FLASH SALE: The Biggest PLR Activity BACK-ISSUES Bundle You Will Need To Grow Your Success - Up to 27,000 activities could be yours NOW!
Straight to the point: ** No, you do not have to be an ActivityBookGenerator Member to take advantage of this offer **
You may or may not be familiar with this... (No, I'm not telling you to join VIP - just bear with me for a moment).
Each month, we have a VIP membership at ActivityBookGenerator, that provides a PLR release that is above and beyond our Pro membership... and it's not even the same actually.
Simply put, the VIP membership includes full powerpoint templates OR png files, loaded with activities and games, or journal and planner templates, and other types of PLR. It's the ultimate in customization as it is the absolute base files. (And, these files are not in the Pro level either - sometimes similar in topic, but never ever the same, they are exclusive to VIP).
We have been running this successfully for just over 2 years now! It started in September of 2021, and most of our members remain active.
However - I'm often asked if we ever create other bundles for our main members, who may not be part of either the VIP or even the Pro level.
I have done it one other time in the past 2+ years... and I've decided to do it again now:
Get your access to back-bundles from our previous VIP releases! And, I've created it to be flexible to budget options.
It's kind of like getting access to "back issues"of a newsletter or magazine.
** Important ** NO, I am not releasing the most recent 3 months of files, to be fair to our existing active members, so don't ask for that please. **
WARNING: I do have this flash sale limited, so get it while you can.
Today is your lucky day - read on and see!
Have you ever wanted to get into the "PLR" world... or do you create products that you sell on Etsy, or even a service on Fiverr?
I'm sure you can realize how much money can potentially be made doing this. (NOTE I am not at all promising you any incomes - examples I state here are just that - examples. It's up to you to get the products out for sale in whatever way you wish).
So let's look at some examples.
Let's say you put a product together, and you decided to sell it with PLR rights. You take 1,000 activity puzzles (of any kind), and sell them for $25, with full PLR rights.
Let's say you have just 25 people buy that bundle. $25 x 25 people = $625.
Even if you sold them for $17, x 25 people, that's still $425.
And that's just ONE bundle.
With these packages, you can do that more than 27 times!! ($16,875 if you did this just using the $25 x 25 sales example.)
(Again - I make no income claims, these are simply examples).
What if you sold them with NO plr rights, but instead created books on Amazon, or even as printables on Etsy or Inspiredfun? Well there really is no limit to how many you can sell, is there?
Or what if you wanted to create a service doing this for someone on Fiverr? You could easily charge $15 per 100 puzzles on Fiverr!! (YES, real people are doing just that... 100 puzzles for $15... or 500 puzzles for $75!)
Realistically, what you're about to see - there is enormous potential for you to profit in multiple ways (because yeah, you don't have to just use one method!)
Below you have the ability to have as many as 27,500 activities/puzzles that you can sell, ANY way you want!
** IMPORTANT: Realize that these aren't any "500,000 PLR packs for $12" offers. The reason this is higher, is because it has been a VERY EXCLUSIVE thing to less than 100 members at any time. These are not rehashed files. (And we do not permit them to go into those mass 500,000 PLR bundles because it devalues them). So it's not cheap, because it has been very restricted. That is to YOUR benefit! **
Here's the deal:
** Note all have answers as well as the puzzles where applicable
OPTION 1: Get 1 Year Bundle of VIP Back Issues: $127 ($264 real cost monthly at current pricing)
- Includes 1,000 Cross sum Activities
- Includes 1,000 Wordstar Activities
- Includes 100 Double Puzzles
- Includes 500 Hitori Puzzles
- Includes 5,000 Sudoku Sensei games
- Includes 1,000 ABC Path games
- Includes 1,136 Skyscraper Puzzle Games
- Includes 1,600 Tic Tac Logic games
- Includes 5 Planner templates
- Includes 5 Journal Templates
- Includes 2,000 Sudoku Roman Numerals games
- Includes 1,000 Word Star Knight Edition Games
OPTION 2: Get 23 Months Bundle of VIP Back Issues - $177 ($506 real cost monthly at current pricing) *** THIS INCLUDES OVER 27,000 games and activities!!! WOW!!! ***
- Includes all of Option 1
- Includes all of Option 2 PLUS
- Includes 2023 Calendars ** You can update these styles for any year
- Includes 1,000 - 100 Puzzles
- Includes 1,000 Kakurasu puzzles
- Includes 1,000 each Easy/Medium/Hard 3d Colosseum Mazes PLUS 1,000 Number Place Games
- Includes 1,000 Shikaku Puzzles
- Includes 1,200 Calcudoku Games
- Includes 5 Planner Templates
- Includes 2,400 100 Puzzles
- Includes 2,400 - 50 and 100 Puzzles
- Includes 500 each - Math Puzzles - Add/Subtract/Multiply/Divide and combinations
- Includes Teacher Planner Templates
But what are your rights?
You can do almost anything you want with these except:
- You can not sell them with my name or company name ANYWHERE.
- You can NOT sell this bundle product "as is". You must turn these products into completed PDFs to sell to others.
- You can NOT sell this bundle in any way. The products must be separated, and must not include the base powerpoint files without customizations done. YES you can separate them and create your own "mini" bundles, that would be fine, but you cannot include everything in one bundle as is here as is.
- YES you can create "bundles" of these products as long as you customize them. (As in keep it smaller to 5-10 bundles - but completed, not the root files.)
Yes, you CAN sell PLR rights to others, but only as individual products - not as a complete big bundle such as this.
Again - You have 95% full rights - the only thing you can't do, is use my name or company name, and you can't resell or bundle all the ORIGINAL files. The must either be compiled into pdfs, or customized in some way.
Anything else with this exclusive bundle is for you to do what you wish.
Sell them as plr. Sell them as books. Create books for other people. Upsell resell rights. Create a monthly newsletter or product and make $ every month from people interested in these puzzles! Start a monthly PLR club (you have almost 2 years worth if you do 1,000 a month!)
The rules are simple: There are no refunds, because I cannot take back the product.
When you purchase now, you will get access immediately.
Sorry this custom bundle is sold out and no longer available. Please choose one of the above options.
Hurry, this won't last long. I don't want to oversell it, so this offer may be closed at any time.
Amber Jalink
*Note: this offer is only available for a very limited time. Get your copy today, to ensure that you don’t miss out!
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