Unleash the Full Potential of Entertainment and Education... While Unlocking Your Earnings Potential with these BRAND NEW PLR Learning Games and Activities That You Can Publish As Your Own!
Get 6 New Activities Plus PLR Rights That You Can Use To Create Fun and Exciting Products At A Ridiculous Price!
Publish on Amazon KDP, Etsy, InspiredFun, (etc)
Sell as Printables and MORE
Do you publish on Amazon KDP, Etsy, Inspiredfun, or another marketplace?
If you do, this is an exciting way you can expand your product lines with brand new games and activities, that people love!
Initially I designed these to be for children, however, many of these fun activities can be used by adults as well - either by adults learning English (or translated into other languages if you know how), OR even just to make these FOR adults.
Either way, they are a LOT of fun.
Even more so - these types of products are selling on Amazon KDP for example quite well. We're talking 8 to 32 sales PER Day! That's around $480-$1,600+ per month, from ONE book!*
(*Obviously I cannot state how much you will sell, this is simply an example based on normal math.)
That may not seem huge to some people, but a solid strategy is to build up many books doing the same number of sales for an overall good business right?
But first let me talk about something you may not be aware of,
and you'll see why what I'm about to show you is so important.
With the past few years, and kids suddenly being required to do online learning with the pandemic - and while they're now back at school in most places, some parents are still keeping their kids home, and turning to home schooling.
Parents AND teachers, are always looking for new ways to keep kids both learning but entertained at the same time - after all, that's how children take far more into their brains, if it's enjoyable and fun.
Did you realize though, just how much the education industry is growing? In 2021 alone, it grew to $1.2 TRILLION in 2021, and is expected to reach $1.5 TRILLION in the next few years... and that's just in the United States!
But don't take my word for it...

You see, this is big for online digital classes - but not just digital.
The fact is, people are willing to pay for learning tools to help both kids AND adults learn, whether it's in school, or even to learn a new language. And of course, there are still some adults who are still learning to read and write in some areas around the world - not everyone learning these things is a child.
And that's why I created this fun bundle - to help you create an exciting new batch of products, books, and printables (even in digital format if you prefer), so that both children AND adults can have fun AND learn at the same time.
Never before released! They are 100% brand new, just created this month of January 2023!
So What Are These Activities and Games that Kids (And Adults) Will Love?
There are FOUR types included.
Here's What You'll Get

Adventure Games
This is an interesting type of game that is really focused on using words, and yes, "directions"... but you have to follow the game by FINDING the words!
This includes the full explanation as well as 5 extended games to use. Use as is, or add to them as you want!
** Profit Alert ** You'll find an additional way to profit from these inside. (I can't spill it here).

Story Starters
This is another interesting and fun game that ESPECIALLY helps both kids and adults learn to write beyond just full sentences, but paragraphs and stories or essays. They can be done individually or even as a group!
This includes the explanation as well as 250 to get you started! (That will spur your ideas like crazy).
Includes PLR rights to all 250!
** Profit Alert ** You'll find an additional way to profit from these inside. (I can't spill it here).

Cipher Fun!
You may have heard me talk about PigPen Ciphers in the past... but there are THREE new ones in this package!
This includes the explanation for THREE new cipher games, as well as examples on how to do them. These can be easily done for kids OR adults, depending on the level of complexity you want to include (as you'll see).
(Does not include PLR rights)

Word Quests
This sounds like the adventure games, but it is NOT the same thing. Similar - but definitely not the same. (Although I suppose you could merge the concepts.) However that's not at all how this game is intended.
This helps kids and adults with spelling, figuring out words in a fun way.
This includes the explanation for how it all works, as well as an example quest so you can take it from there. Use it or create new!
Just a few examples SIMILAR but not exact to what is included here... (And of course there are more, I simply am showing the AVERAGE of two of them).

18 sales on average per day!

9 sales on average per day!
And There's SO Much more you can do with these!
While the examples I showed look like they would be in workbooks to a point, you can absolutely simply create these as regular books and printables. And yes, you can even mix and match them where you see fit!
For example, the cipher games - any one of them (including pigpen which I mention) - could be used within the Adventure games or the Word Quest games. Actually you could use them in the Story Starters as well!
AND... in case you haven't considered this - they don't even all have to be printables! If you write the stories yourself, you could EASILY use the word adventures and create them into digital books (yes, even on Kindle format), for kids (or adults!) to follow!
I talked about this several years ago in one of my series when I previously sold romance novel plots - expand on and make books where people have to "choose their path" in a way, and could have a totally different outcomes!
What is the file format I receive these in?
These are in .docx format for Microsoft Word. You can easily open them up in other programs like Google Docs as well, or most other word/document type programs.
Do they all have PLR Rights?
The explanations themselves do not include PLR rights. The activities included however, have full PLR rights.
Does it include covers and graphics?
No. The reason for that is simple - some of these are the concepts on how to create the games, as well as the game play/activities. The other parts, well, everyone will want something different, so there's honestly no point in me creating graphics for you. These are not plr ebooks or anything like it.
Are these included in the Activity Book Generator Membership? If not, why not?
No these are not, and there are a few reasons why:
... First, because we have had a group of our main members asking for us to occasionally create bundles, as they can't always join Pro on a regular monthly basis. This allows them to still get some additional activities.
... Second, because the format of these does not entirely work with the way we have the Activity Book Generator system running. This allows you to completely change anything and everything you want - bundle what you want, or don't. It's more flexibility for these particular activities.
NOTE - these are NOT in any of the membership levels, these are an exclusively created OUTSIDE bundle. This is NOT something we do often, in fact, we have not done anything like this since June of 2022.
Do I have to be a member of Activity Book Generator to buy this package?
No, that's why we made it available to everyone.
How do I find out more about the Activity Book Generator Membership?
That's easy - click here :)
Are there any upsells?
There is one. It is absolutely NOT required to purchase, it is complimentary only.
What are the rights?
You can see it in detail below, but in simple terms, you have Personal/Commercial PLR rights. The "commercial" means, you can create and publish completed products that you would like to sell as much as you want, royalty free, and earn from them. The "personal" means you CAN NOT sell these with PLR rights to others. See in full details below to be clear.
Can I get a refund?
Because you are getting the files to create these products, what you do with them is your decision, however there are no refunds. If you intend on asking for one just to grab the product, please don't buy as it will not be granted.
How much money can I make with these?
That's entirely up to you, and we have zero control over it. You could earn a lot, or nothing - it's entirely up to you to implement. We can not legally make you income promises and we do not make them.
Your Personal/Commercial PLR Rights Explained
What You CAN Do
What You Can NOT Do
Warning - the price will go up as soon as this launch special is done, so don't wait!
What happens after you buy? You'll be taken to a thank you page where you can download your files instantly. If you have any issues, simply contact our support desk at the bottom of this page.
*Important note: If you purchase using a credit card outside of Paypal, you may be asked for your address and/or phone number. This is to verify that this card belongs to you and is authorized to make this purchase. It is how we prevent fraud which protects both you AND us, and is not used for any other purpose. (No, we will not call you or sell your private information!)
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